State of the Union with President Tyler Downey

Thank you, Sharleen!

After twenty incredible years as our president, Sharleen Stewart has decided to step down from her role as SEIU Healthcare President. Throughout her presidency, she has been a dedicated advocate for our rights, achieving higher wages, pandemic protections, and critical pay equity decisions.

She will continue serving as the International Canadian Vice President, focusing on key political challenges at both national and provincial levels. committed to advocating for a fair and just care economy. Sharleen remains passionate about ensuring care work is recognized and rewarded with the economic security we all deserve.

Our Officers

Tyler Downey, President

Tyler Downey, President

Tyler Downey, President

Jackie Walker, Executive Vice-President

Tyler Downey, President

Michael Spitale, Secretary-Treasurer

Our Executive Board

Meet our 2024-2027 Executive Board. Our executive board is diverse and represents the voices of SEIU Healthcare members across Ontario.